Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Just a quick blog today, something I've been thinking about for the past month.

It's not christmas any more (obviously) but I just thought I'd post something real quick

Average amount of money spent on christmas presents annually in America: $450 billion
Cost to solve the WORLD'S clean water problem once and for all: $10 billion

Does this make anyone else feel incredibly ashamed? How many times have you bought a present for someone just because you felt obligated, because you expected a present from them?

I'm going to update tomorrow or the day after a bit about Love. Some things that I have been learning. I thought that statistic might be something good for you (whoever you are) and myself to think about before the next post. The information is from a website that is included as a link on this post. The idea presented there is really pulling at my heart.

1 comment:

  1. Claire.. I LOVE advent conspiracy!

    I'm so glad you brought this up because it's definitely something I've thought about. There are so many times I've felt obligated to spend money on someone when it would be better to do something that will have a larger impact. Then I can turn around and give my time and love as a gift to people instead of cold, impersonal money.

    Thanks for reminding me =)
