In case you didnt know
I moved my blog to
Hope you'll join me there!
A record of the experiences of a young wife, a young philosopher, and an old soul.

Sunday, January 9, 2011
Friday, July 9, 2010
Glad I don't have to choose between Brent and Ikea
I've been married for almost two weeks...
We've been in our place for almost a week, which means...
-two trips to ikea, buckets of drool.
-a few panicked moments amongst piles of boxes, particle board, and wooden pegs.
-joyful and FREE shopping sprees at Bed Bath and Beyond and Target (alright for gift cards and store credit!).
-Two test run paint colors on the wall.
-Lots of fussing at the darling cat for sharpening her nails on the new couch.
-A massive and ever growing pile of now soaking wet cardboard on the back deck.
-New outdoor furniture, gazebo, and plans and supplies for our garden
We're getting there, people!
Let me tell you, married life has been fabulous, even at 3 in the morning over a plate of grilled cheese and baked lays. I think we've done a pretty good job so far at making this place home. Once its fully finished I'll post a picture of our humble abode. We've prayed every night together over this little home and over this neighborhood, St. John's. We're excited and scared and curious all at the same time.
Anyways, just a quick update today. You'll hear more from us later!
We've been in our place for almost a week, which means...
-two trips to ikea, buckets of drool.
-a few panicked moments amongst piles of boxes, particle board, and wooden pegs.
-joyful and FREE shopping sprees at Bed Bath and Beyond and Target (alright for gift cards and store credit!).
-Two test run paint colors on the wall.
-Lots of fussing at the darling cat for sharpening her nails on the new couch.
-A massive and ever growing pile of now soaking wet cardboard on the back deck.
-New outdoor furniture, gazebo, and plans and supplies for our garden
We're getting there, people!
Let me tell you, married life has been fabulous, even at 3 in the morning over a plate of grilled cheese and baked lays. I think we've done a pretty good job so far at making this place home. Once its fully finished I'll post a picture of our humble abode. We've prayed every night together over this little home and over this neighborhood, St. John's. We're excited and scared and curious all at the same time.
Anyways, just a quick update today. You'll hear more from us later!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Where My Loyalty Lies
Hi there!
It has been a very busy two months! Goodness, sorry for keeping you readers out of the loop for so long.
I will be a bride to the most incredible man on this planet (sorry guys) in 10 days. I am beyond excited. But man these last two weeks are taking FOREVER. Im so ready to just get there and start that march down the aisle whether my dress fits or not (seriously..haha) And on to THE HONEYMOON. The recent lingerie shower has only made me more excited (ahah)
Anyways let me fill you in:
I'm dropping out of school, and I couldn't be any happier with the decision. On top of that, Brent has gone before me and moved our things to Austin, into one of the poorest neighborhoods in the city. That wasn't an accident. Our church, Austin Stone Community Church, is building a non-profit center right down the street from our new home. It will be home to a 600 seat worship center, offices, and 4 austin non-profits, and I reaaallllyyy want to get a job with one of them. So I am praying about that. But we are super excited to be a bigger part of our church community, now serving St. Johns neighborhood.
Even though Brent and I are happy, not everyone else is. A couple weeks ago a woman that Brent and I were talking to told us "I'm going to have to tell you that I am very disappointed that neither of you are going back to school, but I guess I will just have to get over it." When she said that, I was a little shocked that someone who isnt a family member or significant part of our lives would say something like that. Brent trudged right through it but I stepped out of the conversation right then. Im not upset with this person now. I cant expect her or very many others to react any differently. We've become a society that demands a higher education in order to become the American Success and make up for our government's financial mistakes (I won't go into depth on that). When I was praying about this decision to drop out of school, I was constantly affirmed through conversations, sermons, and God's word. Our pastor mentioned two different times the effect that the 'American Dream' has had on our spiritual and material lives. Some other preaching pastor at our church mentioned briefly the sometimes worthless toil towards personal success, and though he did not imply that a higher education or personal goals is bad when indeed these are good things, I understood then exactly what he was saying.
God has made it clear to me: I am not defined by a college degree, nor by the personal standards pushed upon me by my society.
I am defined by His sovereign will for my life, and his everlasting love for me
I am trusting, no matter what anyone says about disappointment or failure, that God knows the plans He has for me, plans to prosper me and not to harm me. (Jeremiah 29:11) He has already gone before me and laid out the path that I am supposed to walk. He is sovereign! And I couldn't be more excited to see the incredible and trying things that lay ahead! I know I wont make much money because I don't have my masters in this or that, but I know that my treasures are stored up in heaven and no moth or thief can reach them there. I am reminded of the hymn 'Tis So Sweet' and I'll sing it in my soul through out this whole crazy life that I am living.
I couldn't be more blessed with Brent. The very moment I started questioning my place at college, he looked me square in the eyes and promised me that he was by my side no matter what I chose. He helped me to believe that I am defined by Christ's love and plan for me and nothing else. Brent never once was disappointed in me or nervous about my ability to make the right decision. What an incredible man I get to marry! I get to spend the rest of my life with my very best friend who doesn't care about my paycheck, my waist size, or my weaknesses. He just loves me, and he is a constant reminder of how incredible God's love is. If I am so loved by a sinful human being, how can I fathom such a perfect Love that covers me everyday. Praise Him!!
Thank you God for the courage to follow your whisper! Thank you for the support, no matter that size, that I have urging me to look to the cross. Thank you for being my answer, for guidance, for value, and for the plans you have for my life!
more soon, y'all!
Jeremiah 29:11-13
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all of your heart.
^such truth!!!!^
It has been a very busy two months! Goodness, sorry for keeping you readers out of the loop for so long.
I will be a bride to the most incredible man on this planet (sorry guys) in 10 days. I am beyond excited. But man these last two weeks are taking FOREVER. Im so ready to just get there and start that march down the aisle whether my dress fits or not (seriously..haha) And on to THE HONEYMOON. The recent lingerie shower has only made me more excited (ahah)
Anyways let me fill you in:
I'm dropping out of school, and I couldn't be any happier with the decision. On top of that, Brent has gone before me and moved our things to Austin, into one of the poorest neighborhoods in the city. That wasn't an accident. Our church, Austin Stone Community Church, is building a non-profit center right down the street from our new home. It will be home to a 600 seat worship center, offices, and 4 austin non-profits, and I reaaallllyyy want to get a job with one of them. So I am praying about that. But we are super excited to be a bigger part of our church community, now serving St. Johns neighborhood.
Even though Brent and I are happy, not everyone else is. A couple weeks ago a woman that Brent and I were talking to told us "I'm going to have to tell you that I am very disappointed that neither of you are going back to school, but I guess I will just have to get over it." When she said that, I was a little shocked that someone who isnt a family member or significant part of our lives would say something like that. Brent trudged right through it but I stepped out of the conversation right then. Im not upset with this person now. I cant expect her or very many others to react any differently. We've become a society that demands a higher education in order to become the American Success and make up for our government's financial mistakes (I won't go into depth on that). When I was praying about this decision to drop out of school, I was constantly affirmed through conversations, sermons, and God's word. Our pastor mentioned two different times the effect that the 'American Dream' has had on our spiritual and material lives. Some other preaching pastor at our church mentioned briefly the sometimes worthless toil towards personal success, and though he did not imply that a higher education or personal goals is bad when indeed these are good things, I understood then exactly what he was saying.
God has made it clear to me: I am not defined by a college degree, nor by the personal standards pushed upon me by my society.
I am defined by His sovereign will for my life, and his everlasting love for me
I am trusting, no matter what anyone says about disappointment or failure, that God knows the plans He has for me, plans to prosper me and not to harm me. (Jeremiah 29:11) He has already gone before me and laid out the path that I am supposed to walk. He is sovereign! And I couldn't be more excited to see the incredible and trying things that lay ahead! I know I wont make much money because I don't have my masters in this or that, but I know that my treasures are stored up in heaven and no moth or thief can reach them there. I am reminded of the hymn 'Tis So Sweet' and I'll sing it in my soul through out this whole crazy life that I am living.
I couldn't be more blessed with Brent. The very moment I started questioning my place at college, he looked me square in the eyes and promised me that he was by my side no matter what I chose. He helped me to believe that I am defined by Christ's love and plan for me and nothing else. Brent never once was disappointed in me or nervous about my ability to make the right decision. What an incredible man I get to marry! I get to spend the rest of my life with my very best friend who doesn't care about my paycheck, my waist size, or my weaknesses. He just loves me, and he is a constant reminder of how incredible God's love is. If I am so loved by a sinful human being, how can I fathom such a perfect Love that covers me everyday. Praise Him!!
Thank you God for the courage to follow your whisper! Thank you for the support, no matter that size, that I have urging me to look to the cross. Thank you for being my answer, for guidance, for value, and for the plans you have for my life!
more soon, y'all!
Jeremiah 29:11-13
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all of your heart.
^such truth!!!!^
Monday, April 19, 2010
To Be or Not To Be...
a college graduate.
That's actually kind of shocking, I know. Let me tell you, in all honesty a very big part of me wants to go against everything I ever said I would do with my education and just not finish. Is it because I'm getting married? Sort of. Not really. I've been thinking about this a lot this past month and I realized something about myself. All the majors I've tossed around in my head, all the plans to graduate with this degree and go on to graduate school earning that masters degree, it all came down to one thing:
I want to get married and raise my family amongst the poor and the lost. First, I will go to college because that is what I am supposed to do, and whatever degree I get will just help me in someway to better raise my family amongst the poor and lost and serve Jesus.
Seriously....I went in as a bio major..cause I guess some medical training would help. Then I switched to philosophy because I guess it will help me to understand others, now I wonder if I should switch to psychology because I guess I could go on to get my masters in counseling...and that will help me love others better? Medical training would help. Philosophy does expand and challenge my ideas and perceptions of others. Counseling would be a beneficial skill. I guess my big question is this, are these lessons worth the commitment of my time, the stress on my life, and especially the tuition that parents and I will pay? Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love learning. I don't love college. I know that it doesn't have anything to do with the college I'm at. For the major I'm currently in, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. But should I be paying money and time to learn what I'm learning?
A few weeks ago I read one of those little bio's about someone inspirational on the back of a Doritos bag (haha). Some girl went to china for fun after graduating high school and she was so moved by the orphans she encountered in some city that she took all of her savings, bought an acre of land and built a home for orphans. She was 18 and never moved back to the states or went to college and to this day has helped over 700 orphans find a home and a family. I mean what the hell, Why am I in college? When I read that I felt seriously frustrated, and it happened in the middle of an already troubled month of doubts, depression, and anxiety. I feel myself asking daily 'Why am I here?' Why am I writing this paper? Why am I attending this class?' I'm waking up in the middle of the night to cry, or not even falling asleep in the first place. And here's something that will for sure upset my parents. I haven't been to class in about 2 weeks. I can't pull myself out of bed because of the depression.
What am I to do? I'm praying for guidance through my tears and uncertainty and desperately trying to lean not on my own understanding. I still have the same thoughts...
Would I regret dropping out of college?
Is this the birth control talking?
Is this a sign of my calling or a sign of my laziness?
Do I really need a college degree in order to live the most fulfilling life I can?
How disappointed will my parents be? Would they ever forgive me or understand?
Will people just write this off as a mistake made by a girl who got married 'too young'?
Will I really be able to practically support a life with Brent in the states?
Can I still be successful without a degree or any valuable($$$) talents?
What is my purpose?
Those of you who read this are probably wondering what I would do with my time if I quit college. I'd work my butt off somewhere so that Brent and I could move to Haiti or wherever God directs us as soon as possible. I seriously just want to be a wife and a mom to as many kids as I can in Haiti, in India, wherever. I want to read at my own pace to educate myself and live a life open to the most important lessons of all. I guess my feelings are that college might be wasting my time, that I am here for the people not the education, and that this might not be what I am supposed to be doing.
On the flip side, my responsibility it to be obedient to God wherever I am. I am finding this VERY difficult (hence the skipping class and the procrastinating on papers and readings.) A friend reminded me that I need to finish strong and go on registering on wednesday for next semester as if I am going to finish completely. I need to continue to seriously pray about this. Who knows, God could reveal His plan for me which includes dropping out and doing missions a lot sooner than expected. Or He could whip me into shape and tell me to press on and be a light in whatever department I'm in at Texas State.
Nevertheless, I am blind to the future as I have always been. I am crying my eyes out at night thinking about what could be, what should be, and what is, but I am still without answer. Let God. Let Him answer me on his own time. Meanwhile, if you have some words, any advice, I'd love to hear it. I desperately need truth spoken into my life at this time.
That's actually kind of shocking, I know. Let me tell you, in all honesty a very big part of me wants to go against everything I ever said I would do with my education and just not finish. Is it because I'm getting married? Sort of. Not really. I've been thinking about this a lot this past month and I realized something about myself. All the majors I've tossed around in my head, all the plans to graduate with this degree and go on to graduate school earning that masters degree, it all came down to one thing:
I want to get married and raise my family amongst the poor and the lost. First, I will go to college because that is what I am supposed to do, and whatever degree I get will just help me in someway to better raise my family amongst the poor and lost and serve Jesus.
Seriously....I went in as a bio major..cause I guess some medical training would help. Then I switched to philosophy because I guess it will help me to understand others, now I wonder if I should switch to psychology because I guess I could go on to get my masters in counseling...and that will help me love others better? Medical training would help. Philosophy does expand and challenge my ideas and perceptions of others. Counseling would be a beneficial skill. I guess my big question is this, are these lessons worth the commitment of my time, the stress on my life, and especially the tuition that parents and I will pay? Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love learning. I don't love college. I know that it doesn't have anything to do with the college I'm at. For the major I'm currently in, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. But should I be paying money and time to learn what I'm learning?
A few weeks ago I read one of those little bio's about someone inspirational on the back of a Doritos bag (haha). Some girl went to china for fun after graduating high school and she was so moved by the orphans she encountered in some city that she took all of her savings, bought an acre of land and built a home for orphans. She was 18 and never moved back to the states or went to college and to this day has helped over 700 orphans find a home and a family. I mean what the hell, Why am I in college? When I read that I felt seriously frustrated, and it happened in the middle of an already troubled month of doubts, depression, and anxiety. I feel myself asking daily 'Why am I here?' Why am I writing this paper? Why am I attending this class?' I'm waking up in the middle of the night to cry, or not even falling asleep in the first place. And here's something that will for sure upset my parents. I haven't been to class in about 2 weeks. I can't pull myself out of bed because of the depression.
What am I to do? I'm praying for guidance through my tears and uncertainty and desperately trying to lean not on my own understanding. I still have the same thoughts...
Would I regret dropping out of college?
Is this the birth control talking?
Is this a sign of my calling or a sign of my laziness?
Do I really need a college degree in order to live the most fulfilling life I can?
How disappointed will my parents be? Would they ever forgive me or understand?
Will people just write this off as a mistake made by a girl who got married 'too young'?
Will I really be able to practically support a life with Brent in the states?
Can I still be successful without a degree or any valuable($$$) talents?
What is my purpose?
Those of you who read this are probably wondering what I would do with my time if I quit college. I'd work my butt off somewhere so that Brent and I could move to Haiti or wherever God directs us as soon as possible. I seriously just want to be a wife and a mom to as many kids as I can in Haiti, in India, wherever. I want to read at my own pace to educate myself and live a life open to the most important lessons of all. I guess my feelings are that college might be wasting my time, that I am here for the people not the education, and that this might not be what I am supposed to be doing.
On the flip side, my responsibility it to be obedient to God wherever I am. I am finding this VERY difficult (hence the skipping class and the procrastinating on papers and readings.) A friend reminded me that I need to finish strong and go on registering on wednesday for next semester as if I am going to finish completely. I need to continue to seriously pray about this. Who knows, God could reveal His plan for me which includes dropping out and doing missions a lot sooner than expected. Or He could whip me into shape and tell me to press on and be a light in whatever department I'm in at Texas State.
Nevertheless, I am blind to the future as I have always been. I am crying my eyes out at night thinking about what could be, what should be, and what is, but I am still without answer. Let God. Let Him answer me on his own time. Meanwhile, if you have some words, any advice, I'd love to hear it. I desperately need truth spoken into my life at this time.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Wow. Part of me just feels like letting the pictures tell the stories.
I will never forget Haiti. In fact, Brent and I are already planning on returning as often as we can. We've even talked about possibly moving there for a few months after college. Who knows? Big things ahead.
After a night in Santiago, Dominican Republic we were driven 3 hours to the border town and dropped off on the dominican side. (It's very expensive to take a car across the border) We were met by Brittany from the orphanage and some boys that she had brought for help. They loaded up our luggage on a wooden cart and took care of that from there. The rest of us just focused on following close behind and protecting our pockets. It was a Monday, market day, so it was incredibly crowded. I mean thousands of people rushing across the border in both directions. We had to walk about a mile to get across and this is what we saw:

There was a few moments where we should have feared for our lives. I'm talking hundreds of pounds of cart and rice rushing towards you down hill! Once we were all together at our truck we went on to drop our luggage off and head to the orphanage, a very quick drive. I'll be honest. When I first stepped into the church to see some of the kids from Port-au-Prince I lost it for about 20 seconds and I think it was because of Denise:

She has hydroencephalitis, or water on the brain, causing her head to swell to 26 inches. I had never seen anything like this before in my life.
Basically our job was to bless the staff as much as we could and this meant playing with kids all day. It was so much fun to be with such joyful children regardless of any kind of language barrier. Here are some pictures of the kids:

We all slept with the Port-au-Prince kids in the church building. Us girls volunteered to listen for a few of the kids who have trouble sleeping at night for various reasons. Some have nightmares, others have separation anxiety, and Denise has every reason to cry all night like she did. The little boy posing with the ball under his arm is Djery, my cuddler one of the nights when he woke up crying.
All these kids wanted from us was someone to hold and carry them. For Casey this meant two at a time

Many of the kids were especially drawn to the boys on our trip. There is only one male missionary there, so there isn't much of a father figure for several of the orphans. Many of the Port-au-Prince children just lost their fathers that were our age. Lanique is one of those kids and he also lost his arm. Brent got very attached to him and has prayed for him everyday since.

I don't know if it was the kids or if it was just Haiti, but this trip was the most powerful trip I've ever been on. I'm serious when I say we're going back as soon as we can and for as long as we can. God really tugged on both of us every day that we were there. I would go back in a heartbeat.

-sarahfina. I miss her.
(click on the blog title to visit the orphanage's website)
-Thankyou to all of you who supported us through prayer and donation!
-This saturday we hope to resume documentary night!! All are welcome!
I will never forget Haiti. In fact, Brent and I are already planning on returning as often as we can. We've even talked about possibly moving there for a few months after college. Who knows? Big things ahead.
After a night in Santiago, Dominican Republic we were driven 3 hours to the border town and dropped off on the dominican side. (It's very expensive to take a car across the border) We were met by Brittany from the orphanage and some boys that she had brought for help. They loaded up our luggage on a wooden cart and took care of that from there. The rest of us just focused on following close behind and protecting our pockets. It was a Monday, market day, so it was incredibly crowded. I mean thousands of people rushing across the border in both directions. We had to walk about a mile to get across and this is what we saw:
There was a few moments where we should have feared for our lives. I'm talking hundreds of pounds of cart and rice rushing towards you down hill! Once we were all together at our truck we went on to drop our luggage off and head to the orphanage, a very quick drive. I'll be honest. When I first stepped into the church to see some of the kids from Port-au-Prince I lost it for about 20 seconds and I think it was because of Denise:

She has hydroencephalitis, or water on the brain, causing her head to swell to 26 inches. I had never seen anything like this before in my life.
Basically our job was to bless the staff as much as we could and this meant playing with kids all day. It was so much fun to be with such joyful children regardless of any kind of language barrier. Here are some pictures of the kids:

We all slept with the Port-au-Prince kids in the church building. Us girls volunteered to listen for a few of the kids who have trouble sleeping at night for various reasons. Some have nightmares, others have separation anxiety, and Denise has every reason to cry all night like she did. The little boy posing with the ball under his arm is Djery, my cuddler one of the nights when he woke up crying.
All these kids wanted from us was someone to hold and carry them. For Casey this meant two at a time
Many of the kids were especially drawn to the boys on our trip. There is only one male missionary there, so there isn't much of a father figure for several of the orphans. Many of the Port-au-Prince children just lost their fathers that were our age. Lanique is one of those kids and he also lost his arm. Brent got very attached to him and has prayed for him everyday since.

I don't know if it was the kids or if it was just Haiti, but this trip was the most powerful trip I've ever been on. I'm serious when I say we're going back as soon as we can and for as long as we can. God really tugged on both of us every day that we were there. I would go back in a heartbeat.
-sarahfina. I miss her.
(click on the blog title to visit the orphanage's website)
-Thankyou to all of you who supported us through prayer and donation!
-This saturday we hope to resume documentary night!! All are welcome!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
700 Orphans
Tomorrow morning, it's go time. We're flying out of Dallas at 2:15 and headed for miami for a lay-over and then on to the Dominican. The Dominican-Haitian border has business we'll be spending sunday night in the Dominican then driving to Danita's Children Orphanage (click on the blog title!) 2 hours through the border into Haiti. Yes...700 orphans. We just found that out from our friend Daniella yesterday. I don't think I have ever seen that many kids in one place (save public school). Daniella's dad just got back a few days ago and is going again with us tomorrow. He told us a bit about how they were able to air-vac some amputee orphans out for treatment. I can't believe the trip is already here! I just wanted to update you really quick before we leave. I wont even be taking my laptop with me to haiti but after I get back I'll do a long post with some pictures. There's some other things about my philosophy classes I wanted to blog about too, so be prepared for some updates!
Pray for us!
Actually here's some things you can specifically pray about:
-Safe travels
-Flexibility, in case things don't go as planned
-Strong spirits and courage. The Voodoo is everywhere and there could be a lot of spiritual warfare
-That God would break our hearts for the children in this orphanage
-Lice! We will be sleeping with the kids for two nights and though it wouldn't be the end of the world, it would still be a nuisance
-The power of the gospel to be shown through us
Can't wait to tell you how it goes!
Pray for us!
Actually here's some things you can specifically pray about:
-Safe travels
-Flexibility, in case things don't go as planned
-Strong spirits and courage. The Voodoo is everywhere and there could be a lot of spiritual warfare
-That God would break our hearts for the children in this orphanage
-Lice! We will be sleeping with the kids for two nights and though it wouldn't be the end of the world, it would still be a nuisance
-The power of the gospel to be shown through us
Can't wait to tell you how it goes!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Waking up America!
Brent and I decided to start a dinner/documentary/discussion night about every other saturday night. Our first get together was this past saturday and turned out to be a very small one. (Thanks Taylor and Jake for coming!) It was really fun, though. After our delicious chicken tacos (yum!) we sat down to watch I.O.U.S.A.(click the title of this blog to see the movie's page) You can probably guess from the title of the documentary that its about money, and specifically about our Nation's Debt, both currently and historically. Wow, what an eye opening movie. Frightening even. I'm politically minded, so I knew the trouble that we were in, but I didn't know the specifics or even the exact degree of financial despair. Anyways, I think that this is a movie that everyone MUST see. It is a non-partisan film, so no certain party propaganda, just straight, frightening facts.
I wanted to blog about that night because the movie and our discussion proposed an excellent question: What will it take to wake up America?
For this financial issue, obviously watching the movie, showing it to as many people as possible, would be step one. But I wanted to go further
There are a lot of things that Americans need to wake up to. There are a lot of things that my friends and I need to wake up to.
In reality, this world, this country, is totally different than what we really expect. There are so many secrets, mysteries, and conspiracies out there. There are even things about our world that are not at all hidden, but rather ignored like modern slavery today. Did you know that there are more slaves this very day than there have ever been in the history of mankind. According to Anti-Slavery International and other slavery studies, about 27 Million people are in bondage today. Yet many of us are under the impression that we have conquered this issue, or we just ignore it.
This is just one example out of many. So how can I do something to wake up America, or just wake up Texas State? This bi-weekly documentary night is step one. Dinner might get people there, but the film and the following discussion will definitely keep them coming. Step two is starting an organization. I'm really hoping that I can complete the process to get a documentary club started at Texas State so that I can help make more people aware of the various issues hidden from our everyday lives.
So if you are interested in joining us saturday nights, or becoming a part of the documentary club (I will need signatures to prove that people are interested) let me know. Even if you just want to discuss the topic of our nations financial despair, or want to suggest another topic to view in film, leave a comment! (I love getting your comments!)
don't forget to click on the blog title to view a 30 minute summary clip of I.O.U.S.A.
I wanted to blog about that night because the movie and our discussion proposed an excellent question: What will it take to wake up America?
For this financial issue, obviously watching the movie, showing it to as many people as possible, would be step one. But I wanted to go further
There are a lot of things that Americans need to wake up to. There are a lot of things that my friends and I need to wake up to.
In reality, this world, this country, is totally different than what we really expect. There are so many secrets, mysteries, and conspiracies out there. There are even things about our world that are not at all hidden, but rather ignored like modern slavery today. Did you know that there are more slaves this very day than there have ever been in the history of mankind. According to Anti-Slavery International and other slavery studies, about 27 Million people are in bondage today. Yet many of us are under the impression that we have conquered this issue, or we just ignore it.
This is just one example out of many. So how can I do something to wake up America, or just wake up Texas State? This bi-weekly documentary night is step one. Dinner might get people there, but the film and the following discussion will definitely keep them coming. Step two is starting an organization. I'm really hoping that I can complete the process to get a documentary club started at Texas State so that I can help make more people aware of the various issues hidden from our everyday lives.
So if you are interested in joining us saturday nights, or becoming a part of the documentary club (I will need signatures to prove that people are interested) let me know. Even if you just want to discuss the topic of our nations financial despair, or want to suggest another topic to view in film, leave a comment! (I love getting your comments!)
don't forget to click on the blog title to view a 30 minute summary clip of I.O.U.S.A.
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