Hi there!
It has been a very busy two months! Goodness, sorry for keeping you readers out of the loop for so long.
I will be a bride to the most incredible man on this planet (sorry guys) in 10 days. I am beyond excited. But man these last two weeks are taking FOREVER. Im so ready to just get there and start that march down the aisle whether my dress fits or not (seriously..haha) And on to THE HONEYMOON. The recent lingerie shower has only made me more excited (ahah)
Anyways let me fill you in:
I'm dropping out of school, and I couldn't be any happier with the decision. On top of that, Brent has gone before me and moved our things to Austin, into one of the poorest neighborhoods in the city. That wasn't an accident. Our church, Austin Stone Community Church, is building a non-profit center right down the street from our new home. It will be home to a 600 seat worship center, offices, and 4 austin non-profits, and I reaaallllyyy want to get a job with one of them. So I am praying about that. But we are super excited to be a bigger part of our church community, now serving St. Johns neighborhood.
Even though Brent and I are happy, not everyone else is. A couple weeks ago a woman that Brent and I were talking to told us "I'm going to have to tell you that I am very disappointed that neither of you are going back to school, but I guess I will just have to get over it." When she said that, I was a little shocked that someone who isnt a family member or significant part of our lives would say something like that. Brent trudged right through it but I stepped out of the conversation right then. Im not upset with this person now. I cant expect her or very many others to react any differently. We've become a society that demands a higher education in order to become the American Success and make up for our government's financial mistakes (I won't go into depth on that). When I was praying about this decision to drop out of school, I was constantly affirmed through conversations, sermons, and God's word. Our pastor mentioned two different times the effect that the 'American Dream' has had on our spiritual and material lives. Some other preaching pastor at our church mentioned briefly the sometimes worthless toil towards personal success, and though he did not imply that a higher education or personal goals is bad when indeed these are good things, I understood then exactly what he was saying.
God has made it clear to me: I am not defined by a college degree, nor by the personal standards pushed upon me by my society.
I am defined by His sovereign will for my life, and his everlasting love for me
I am trusting, no matter what anyone says about disappointment or failure, that God knows the plans He has for me, plans to prosper me and not to harm me. (Jeremiah 29:11) He has already gone before me and laid out the path that I am supposed to walk. He is sovereign! And I couldn't be more excited to see the incredible and trying things that lay ahead! I know I wont make much money because I don't have my masters in this or that, but I know that my treasures are stored up in heaven and no moth or thief can reach them there. I am reminded of the hymn 'Tis So Sweet' and I'll sing it in my soul through out this whole crazy life that I am living.
I couldn't be more blessed with Brent. The very moment I started questioning my place at college, he looked me square in the eyes and promised me that he was by my side no matter what I chose. He helped me to believe that I am defined by Christ's love and plan for me and nothing else. Brent never once was disappointed in me or nervous about my ability to make the right decision. What an incredible man I get to marry! I get to spend the rest of my life with my very best friend who doesn't care about my paycheck, my waist size, or my weaknesses. He just loves me, and he is a constant reminder of how incredible God's love is. If I am so loved by a sinful human being, how can I fathom such a perfect Love that covers me everyday. Praise Him!!
Thank you God for the courage to follow your whisper! Thank you for the support, no matter that size, that I have urging me to look to the cross. Thank you for being my answer, for guidance, for value, and for the plans you have for my life!
more soon, y'all!
Jeremiah 29:11-13
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all of your heart.
^such truth!!!!^